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Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Sydney

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Understanding Gynaecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Sometimes called “man boobs”, Gynaecomastia is a condition that leads to excess fat and skin in the male breast region, leading to enlarged or protruding breasts.

This unwanted male breast protrusion can be a disturbing condition for many men. This is especially true in teenagers, where body image often has greater priority and this condition is common. Older men who have suffered weight changes or hormonal deficiencies may also find they have larger male breasts. Many men over 40 or 50 complain about their ‘man boobs’ or ‘moobs’ and feel self-conscious about them.

Dr. Kumar typically sees patients who fall into two age groups and four categories when looking for Gynaecomastia surgery in Sydney.

They are:

  • males in their teenage years who are embarrassed by the condition.
  • men in their late forties or early-to-late fifties who want help restoring their lost chest firmness.
  • men of either age group who have lost weight and have excess skin or fatty tissue in the chest area.
  • body contouring patients who have experienced obesity and significant weight loss.

Gynaecomastia isn’t typically physically dangerous unless it’s a symptom of an underlying medical problem (some are listed below). But having enlarged “male breasts” is often linked with emotional and social discomfort.

Having gynaecomastia can leave a man feeling very self-conscious about his body. It can also significantly impair a man’s self-confidence and clothing choices.

We live in a very warm climate. Being able to take your shirt off during the summer could be important to you. Some males may avoid certain physical activities, relationships, or even physical intimacy because of their chest.

Male breast reduction is slowly becoming a more common surgery performed in Australia.

Procedure and Causes

Gynaecomastia surgery can contour the chest area to provide a more toned, athletic chest. This is achieved through a combination of liposuction and tissue or skin excision. The results of the procedure are significant and permanent.

For the extremely enlarged and ptotic male breast, a more significant breast reduction may be indicated. Extended male breast reduction involves the removal of considerable breast tissue, fat, and skin. This procedure may require larger skin incisions and create more obvious scars, similar to female breast reduction scar patterns.

Some of the causes of Gynaecomastia may include:

  • hormonal changes that often occur with puberty
  • genetics
  • increased levels of oestrogen
  • decreased or lacking testosterone
  • chronic kidney or liver disease
  • HIV infection
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Overuse of certain drugs (like cannabis/marijuana, Anabolic steroids or alcohol)
  • obesity and weight fluctuation

If Dr. Kumar suspects an underlying condition is causing your symptoms, he may arrange some tests to assess for these prior to proceeding with any surgery.

Many men who have gynaecomastia (“man boobs”) may get embarrassed by them. If you have excess fat and skin of the breast or have concerns about the size and shape of your nipple-areolar complex, you may feel the condition has left you with a feminising effect on your chest appearance.

Surgery may help you get a flatter, firmer-looking chest and reduce the puffiness of the nipple area.

Are you ready to book in with Dr Kumar?

Am I A Good Candidate?

You may be a candidate for gynecomastia surgery if you

  • Are embarrassed by your “man boobs”: If the appearance of your chest causes you significant embarrassment or self-consciousness, especially in social situations, gynecomastia surgery could help alleviate these feelings by creating a flatter, more traditionally masculine chest contour.
  • Have concerns about wearing tight-fitting shirts or the latest slimline shirt fashions: If you avoid wearing form-fitting or trendy clothing because it accentuates the appearance of your chest, surgery might help you feel more confident in a wider range of clothing styles.
  • Are afraid to take your shirt off in front of someone you’re trying to impress or in general: If the thought of being shirtless, whether at the beach, the pool, or even in private with a partner, causes anxiety or fear, addressing gynecomastia through surgery can help improve your comfort and confidence in these situations.
  • Dislike summer because you’re uncomfortable going shirtless or topless: If you find yourself dreading summer activities that typically involve being shirtless, such as swimming or sunbathing, due to discomfort or embarrassment about your chest, gynecomastia surgery could help you enjoy these activities more fully by providing a chest appearance that you feel more comfortable and confident with.

Benefits of Gynaecomastia

Gynecomastia surgery offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve your quality of life. Here are some of the key advantages of undergoing the procedure:

  • Achieve a better and more masculine chest shape
  • Potential increase in self confidence
  • Ability to buy more form fitting clothing if that is your preference
  • Reduced social and emotional discomfort

Cost and Insurance

After your initial consultation with Dr. Kumar, you will be given a detailed itemized quote. This comprehensive quote will include:

  • Dr. Kumar’s fee
  •  Anaesthetist fee
  • Surgical Assistant fee
  • Hospital fees

This transparent breakdown ensures you are fully aware of all the costs associated with your gynecomastia surgery. Additionally, we understand that the financial aspect of surgery can be a concern, which is why we also provide information on our in-house gynecomastia surgery payment plan. This plan is designed to make the procedure more affordable and manageable for you.

For more detailed information on the costs associated with gynecomastia surgery, please visit our costs information page. This resource will provide further clarity on what you can expect financially, helping you make an informed decision about your surgical journey.

Can private health insurance be used?

If you are privately insured, then you may be able to use this for male breast reduction surgery in Sydney. Your operating theatre and hospital costs, including the postoperative stay, would then be usually covered if you have the appropriate level of coverage. Medicare and your private insurance may also contribute to Dr. Kumar’s fees. You can call your health fund and see if you are covered. The Medicare Benefits Schedule code likely to be used is 31525.

Download our Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia Surgery) Guide

This complete guide to Gynaecomastia Surgery covers everything you need to know about this procedure, including:

  • Male Breast Reduction Surgery Explained
  • How to assess if you are a good candidate
  • Planning for your Gynaecomastia Surgery
  • Answers to our most frequently asked questions

Download Guide

Meet the Expert

Dr. Rohit Kumar is an Australian certified specialist plastic surgeon (MED0001630444). His particular area of interest is breast and body surgery. Often, patients who have achieved massive weight loss, have had one or multiple children (including twins) or have developmental or age-related physiological changes (e.g. large or ptotic breasts) may suffer from significant medical issues as a result. Some of these issues may benefit from plastic surgical procedures, and Dr. Kumar has over 15 years of experience as a specialist plastic surgeon to help guide you in choosing the right procedure for you.

Dr. Kumar, as a specialist plastic surgeon, has a particular area of interest in body contouring procedures that focus on areas such as the breasts, arms, back, abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and flanks—the areas that are most affected after losing a significant amount of weight.

During your consultation, Dr. Kumar will evaluate your needs and take the time to understand your main concerns before suggesting a surgical plan that suits you.

As a patient of Dr. Kumar, you can expect a personalised and positive experience. Working in harmony with you, Dr. Kumar and his team strive to deliver results that surpass your expectations and do so in a safe environment. Along with him, his professional and caring team is there to support you on your surgical journey, from your first call to well after you have recovered from your surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions about Male Breast Reduction surgery (Gynaecomastia Surgery) in Sydney

Is Gynaecomastia one sided or present on both sides?


What Can I Expect During Surgery?

How long does it take to recover?

Risks and Complications