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Natural Breast Enhancement with
Fat Grafting in Sydney

Request a Consultation

What Is Fat Grafting?

Fat grafting (also known as Fat Transfer), is a procedure that can enhance the appearance, shape, and contour of your breasts

Dr Kumar may consider using Fat Grafting in various scenarios, including:

  1. As a form of primary breast augmentation where the patient is considering their own tissue rather then breast implants
  2. To enhance the appearance of a breast implant by softening the curves to provide a more natural appearance
  3. To enhance the volume in a breast following a breast lift (sometimes reducing the need for a breast implant following a lift)
  4. To enhance the appearance of a breast after breast reduction, particularly after massive weight loss (sometimes reducing the need for breast implants)
  5. To help in revision surgery, such as treating a double bubble
  6. To help in reconstruction surgery, for example, when operating on tissue that has previously been irradiated.

Fat grafting is performed by harvesting fat from a donor site, such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, or waist, and strategically injecting it into the breasts. Many patients appreciate the added benefit of liposuction from these donor sites.

Dr Kumar has particular expertise in this procedure and is one of the first surgeons to use the REVOLVE™ fat grafting system in Australia.

Am I A Good Candidate For Fat Grafting?

You may be a candidate for fat transfer surgery if you are:

  • Wanting to soften the appearance of your breast implants
  • Seek a modest size increase (approximately half to a full cup size)
  • Have sufficient fat deposits that can be harvested
  • Are considering a breast lift with implants (augmentation/mastopexy) but are unsure about using implants
  • Need to correct a double bubble or a similar complication
  • Have lost a significant amount of weight and need to restore volume and shape without using large implants
  • Are considering reconstructive surgery after breast cancer

Are you ready to book in with Dr Kumar?

What are the Benefits of a Fat Transfer Breast Enlargement Procedure?

  • Achieve an improved breast shape, volume, or cleavage without using implants
  • Less scarring than augmentation using implants
  • The breast can look and feel natural
  • Less weight on the skin than an implant, which can be favourable in some situations (less so in poor-quality skin).
  • The donor-site liposuction may help contour that particular site on your body
  • Some researchers believe that there is an improvement in skin appearance due to cellular renewal processes (the importation of Stem cells)


Fat Grafting Cost

After your initial consultation with Dr Kumar, you will be given a detailed itemised quote. This will include Dr Kumar’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee, and the hospital fees.

We will also provide information on our in-house fat grafting payment plan. Please see our costs page for further information.

Maintaining your Results

Please keep in mind that your results from Fat Grafting Surgery may be impacted by fluctuations in your weight, early excessive activity, skin health, or Body Mass Index (BMI). Pregnancy and breastfeeding may also impact on your surgical results following your Breast Surgery.

It’s important to note that following any fat grafting procedure, approximately 30–50% of the injected fat may be absorbed by the body. While this is factored into the procedure, some patients may require a second session to achieve their desired results.

Each patient is unique, and surgery results will vary. Maintaining realistic expectations and working closely with Dr Kumar will help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Download our Fat Grafting Guide

This complete guide to Fat Transfer Breast Surgery covers everything you need to know about this procedure, including:

  • Fat Transfer Augmentation Surgery Explained
  • How to assess if you are a good candidate
  • Planning for your Fat Transfer to Breast Surgery
  • Answers to our most frequently asked questions

Download Guide

Meet the Expert

Dr Kumar as a specialist plastic surgeon, has a particular area of interest in body contouring procedures that focus on areas such as the breasts, arms, back, abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and flanks—the areas that are most affected after losing a significant amount of weight.

During your consultation, Dr Kumar will evaluate your needs and take the time to understand your main concerns before suggesting a surgical plan that suits you.

As a patient of Dr Kumar, you can expect a personalised and positive experience. Working in harmony with you, Dr Kumar and his team strive to deliver results that surpass your expectations and do so in a safe environment. Along with him, his professional and caring team is there to support you on your surgical journey, from your first call until well after you have recovered from your surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions about Fat Grafting (Fat Transfer) in Sydney


What Can I Expect During Surgery?

Will I have Scars?

Risks and Complications

How long does it take to recover?