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Mastopexy (Breast Lift) with Implants Surgery in Sydney

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What is Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Surgery?

Dr. Kumar is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Sydney. He has a particular interest in breast and body surgery. His experience and craft in Mastopexy (Breast Lift) with implants make this one of his most sought-after procedures in the practice.

Augmentation Mastopexy (sometimes called a Breast Lift with Implants procedure) is an operation that raises and reshapes your breasts while adding volume to them by using Breast Implants. The procedure may remove some excess breast fat and glandular tissue but mostly removes excess breast skin to achieve a breast that is smaller but more naturally shaped with more elevated nipples. The implants then add volume in proportion to your body.

Over time, your breasts may change as a result of factors such as your genetics, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss (or gain) and along with this, as you age, there is a general decrease in skin elasticity. All of this can lead to breasts that are more ptotic (droopy) in appearance. Breastfeeding and weight loss, in particular, can lead to a decrease in breast volume that can be replaced by using breast implants.

Multiple techniques exist that can achieve this with different levels of scarring on the breast. For patients who require more volume as well as lift, then augmentation mastopexy (breast lift with implants) is the operation of choice.

Am I a Candidate for Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Surgery in Sydney?

If you feel that you meet one or more of the following criteria, then you may be a good candidate for Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with implants) surgery:

  • You have concerns with the position, shape, or size of your breasts.
  • You are concerned that your breasts are too puffy, too deflated, or both.
  • Your nipples fall below your breast crease or point downward.
  • Your breasts have developed a flatter, elongated shape over time, especially in the top half (upper pole).
  • One breast sits lower on your chest than the other, and this asymmetry is obvious.
  • Your breast tissue is stretched, and you have enlarged areolae and a large number of stretch marks.
  • Weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding has left your breasts with minimal volume. You may be symptomatic as a result (rashes, intertrigo in the breast crease), and you would like to return your breasts to a better shape, position, and volume.

Are you ready to book in with Dr Kumar?

Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift With Implants) Cost

After your initial consultation with Dr. Kumar, you will be given a detailed itemised quote. This will include Dr. Kumar’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee and the hospital fees. The fee will take into account whether the procedure is to be done in one stage or two, the type of implants best suited to you, and the need for additional procedures such as a Fat Graft.

We will also provide information on our in-house Augmentation Mastopexy (breast lift with implants) payment plan.

Can private health insurance be used?

If you are privately insured, then you may be able to use this for Mastopexy (breast lift) surgery in Sydney. You will need to have pre-approval from Medicare using the photographs taken in our rooms prior to your surgery. Medicare requires that at least two-thirds of the breast tissue, including the nipple, lie inferior to the inframammary fold, where the nipple is located at the most dependent, inferior part of the breast”.

Your operating theatre and hospital costs, including the postoperative stay, would then be usually covered if you have the appropriate level of coverage. Medicare and your private insurance may also contribute to Dr. Kumar’s fees. You can call your health fund and see if you are covered. The Medicare Benefits Schedule code to be used is 45558.

Private health insurance cannot be used for the majority of Breast Augmentation procedures as they are deemed to be purely cosmetic procedures.

3D Vectra Simulation

See results on your own body with a $100 Vectra Simulation with our Nurse. This scan will give you a much better idea of sizing following surgery. Dr. Kumar is one of the very few practices that offers this service in Sydney. For very large breasts or where the areola is sitting too low on the breast, the simulation is less accurate, but it’s also a good opportunity to discuss rebates, the choice of hospital, and a review of previous patient results.

Recovery From Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Surgery

In general, both stages 1 and 2 have very similar recovery periods. This allows you to plan your recovery and return to normal activities with some degree of confidence.

The length of your recovery will depend on the specific procedure and technique that Dr. Kumar has used for your results. Recovery times can vary from person to person. If you have a “desk job” or one that doesn’t involve significant upper body physical activity, then most patients are back at this within 2 weeks of surgery. In general, however, Dr. Kumar suggests that you allow 4-6 weeks for initial recovery following your surgery. Scar maturation and fading often take longer.

Patients report minor postoperative pain, which can be treated with oral medication. You will be given prescriptions to relieve pain, and prophylactic antibiotics will be prescribed.

A drain may be placed in each breast to drain off excess blood and fluids for the first day or two. All sutures are self-dissolving.

Dr. Kumar will work with you to allow for adequate and proper healing time. It is important to speak with him before returning to daily activities such as driving, lifting, and exercising.

You will be given post-operative compression garments to wear after your surgery, and it is vital that you follow Dr. Kumar’s orders with respect to wearing these during your recovery period.

Good results depend on a collaborative approach between you and Dr. Kumar. You must be willing to follow the specific instructions given to you by Dr. Kumar and attend all post-operative appointments.

Maintaining your Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Results

Please keep in mind that your results from Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Surgery may be impacted by fluctuations in your weight, early excessive activity, skin health, or Body Mass Index (BMI). Pregnancy and breastfeeding may also impact on your surgical results following your Surgery.

No two patients are the same, and surgery results will vary from patient to patient. It is important to work together with Dr. Kumar to ensure you get the most out of your surgery and results.

Guide to Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Surgery

This complete guide to Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Surgery covers everything you need to know about this procedure, including:

  • Mastopexy (Breast Lift) surgery explained
  • Breast Augmentation Surgery explained
  • How to assess if you are a good candidate
  • The surgical procedure
  • Answers to some of our most frequently asked questions
  • Before and after gallery

Download our Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants) Guide

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Meet the Expert

Dr. Rohit Kumar is an Australian certified specialist plastic surgeon (MED0001630444). His particular area of interest is breast and body surgery. Often, patients who have achieved massive weight loss, have had one or multiple children (including twins), or have developmental or age-related physiological changes (e.g. large or ptotic breasts) may suffer from significant medical issues as a result. Some of these issues may benefit from plastic surgical procedures, and Dr. Kumar has over 15 years of experience as a specialist plastic surgeon to help guide you in choosing the right procedure for you.

Dr. Kumar, as a specialist plastic surgeon, has a particular area of interest in body contouring procedures that focus on areas such as the breasts, arms, back, abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and flanks—the areas that are most affected after losing a significant amount of weight.

During your consultation, Dr. Kumar will evaluate your needs and take the time to understand your main concerns before suggesting a surgical plan that suits you.

As a patient of Dr. Kumar, you can expect a personalised and positive experience. Working in harmony with you, Dr. Kumar and his team strive to deliver results that surpass your expectations and do so in a safe environment. Along with him, his professional and caring team is there to support you on your surgical journey, from your first call to well after you have recovered from your surgery.

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Common Questions about Augmentation Mastopexy (Breast Lift with Implants Surgery) in Sydney.

There are many decisions to make when considering Augmentation Mastopexy (breast lift with implants) surgery in Sydney. The size you would like to be after the surgery, the type of possible scars you may get, whether it is better to have a one-stage or two-stage procedure, and how the procedure may affect your lifestyle are all questions that will need to be discussed before proceeding with surgery. It is important that these choices are tailored to your needs. Dr Kumar can guide you and facilitate this so that your results reflect the appearance you are looking for. Breast lift with implants (augmentation mastopexy) surgery is continually evolving, and it is important that your surgeon is aware not only of the latest techniques but also of the latest trends that contribute to giving you as natural a result as possible.

One Stage or Two Stages


Incision Location and Types


Fat Grafting

Closing the Incisions

Risks and Complications

Does Augmentation Mastopexy (breast lift with implants) surgery affect breast screening and the risk of breast cancer?