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Breast Implant Removal or Revision in Sydney

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What is Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

As the name would imply, breast implants, once inserted, can also be removed.

The reasons for this can be quite varied. Patients may be unhappy with the appearance of their current breast implants and may choose to have them removed and replaced or just removed altogether. Some patients have experienced a problem with their implants, such as a rupture or a capsular contracture (when the breast implant capsule contracts, leading to misshapen and/or firm and/or tender breasts).

Recently, there has been a great deal of conversation and controversy around “Breast Implant Illness”. While there remains currently no evidence linking breast implants to the symptoms being experienced by some women around the world, that is not to say that these ladies don’t have genuine symptoms. It can get even more complicated when some (but not all) women report an improvement in their symptoms following the removal of their breast implants.

Dr. Kumar firmly believes that breast implant removal is just as personal a decision as breast implant insertion. While there is no direct clinical evidence, Dr. Kumar is happy to offer breast implant removal in the context of symptoms attributed to “Breast Implant Illness” if this is what you wish. 

Unfortunately, no guarantee can be given that this procedure will resolve your symptoms.

After the breast implants have been inserted, over a period of time, the body forms a capsule around the implant. This is a perfectly normal thing to happen. In the absence of disease in the capsule itself, there is little medical evidence to support removing the entire capsule when removing a breast implant. However, when removing the implant, it is quite common to attempt to remove the entire capsule. This is what is called a total capsulectomy.

You may have heard the term en bloc removal – this is a term reserved for cancer surgery and is not applicable to the removal of a breast capsule during explant surgery. It is a term that has become pervasive, particularly amongst untrained doctors, as more of a marketing tool, and Dr. Kumar does not use this term as a result.

Dr. Kumar performs a total capsulectomy when removing a breast implant in Sydney when the capsule is diseased or when it is safe to do so. Not every patient requires a total removal, and sometimes it can be quite dangerous to perform, especially if the previous implants were placed under the muscle. When seeing Dr. Kumar for a consultation, he will go through all the pros and cons of removing the capsule as it applies to your particular issues and symptoms.

What are the Benefits of a Breast Implant Removal or Revision Procedure?

  • Improving or removing the feeling that your breast implants no longer suit your body shape or lifestyle
  • You can go smaller or bigger than your original breast implants to better suit your lifestyle
  • Alleviates concerns about breastfeeding with implants
  • Alleviates concerns regarding Breast Implant Illness
  • Treats or alleviates concerns regarding BIA-ALCL
  • Correcting problems or complications from previous surgery

What is Breast Revision Surgery?

As you age, have children, and/or breast feed or lose or gain weight (among a host of other reasons), you may find that you no longer feel your breast implants fit your physique or lifestyle.

Some patients have concerns about the impact Breast Implants may have on their ability to breastfeed, while others may have more complicated problems. For some patients, their breast implants have been in place for some time and it’s time for a change, while others wish to increase the size of their implants or exchange from saline to silicone implants.

For these and many more reasons, patients can choose to have their current implants removed and replaced with new implants.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Removal or Revision in Sydney

As a general rule, you may be a good candidate for the removal or vision of your breast augmentation if:

  • You are fit and healthy
  • You have made the decision to remove or revise your previous breast augmentation in a calm and rational manner
  • If your breast capsule is diseased (capsular contracture)
  • You are having problems with your implant (rupture, deflation, extrusion, etc)
  • It has been at least ten years, or maybe more, since you had the implants inserted

Recovery From Breast Implant Removal Or Revision Surgery

The length of your recovery will depend on the specific procedure and technique that Dr. Kumar has used for your results. Recovery times can vary from person to person. If you have a “desk job” or one that doesn’t involve significant upper body physical activity, then most patients are back at this within 2 weeks of surgery. In general, however, Dr. Kumar suggests that you allow 4-6 weeks for initial recovery following your surgery. Scar maturation/fading often take longer.

Patients report minor postoperative pain, which can be treated with oral medication. You will be given prescriptions to relieve pain, and prophylactic antibiotics will be prescribed.

A drain may be placed in each breast to drain off excess blood and fluids for the first day or two. All sutures are self-dissolving.

Dr. Kumar will work with you to allow for adequate and proper healing time. It is important to speak with him before returning to daily activities such as driving, lifting, and exercising.

You will be given post-operative compression garments to wear after your surgery, and it is vital that you follow Dr. Kumar’s orders with respect to wearing these during your recovery period.

Good results depend on a collaborative approach between you and Dr. Kumar. You must be willing to follow the specific instructions given to you by Dr. Kumar and attend all postoperative appointments.

Guide to Breast Implant Removal or Revision

This complete guide to Breast Implant Removal or Revision Surgery covers everything you need to know about this procedure.

  • Breast Implant Removal or Revision surgery explained
  • What is corrective breast surgery?
  • How to assess if you are a good candidate
  • How to plan for your Breast Implant Removal or Revision surgery
  • Answers to some of our most frequently asked question

Download our Breast Implant Removal or Revision Guide

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How Much Is Breast Implant Removal or Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

After your initial consultation with Dr. Kumar, you will be given a detailed itemised quote. This will include Dr. Kumar’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee, and the hospital fees. The fee will take into account whether the procedure is to be done in one stage or two, the type of implants best suited to you, and the need for additional procedures such as a Fat Grafting.

We will also provide information on our breast implant removal or breast implant revision payment plan and other different ways to pay for your surgery.

Can private health insurance be used?

If you are privately insured, then you may be able to use this for breast implant removal or revision surgery in Sydney. You will not be able to use this for breast augmentation surgery. You may also need to get pre-approval from Medicare using the photographs taken in our rooms or photographs taken in surgery.

Your operating theatre and hospital costs, including the postoperative stay, may be covered if you have the appropriate level of coverage and qualify for a rebate. Medicare and your private insurance may also contribute to Dr. Kumar’s fees.

Individual circumstances will vary, and it is best to discuss your surgical requirements with Dr. Kumar to see if your surgery (or part of it) can be covered by your health fund.

Recovery From Breast Implant Removal Or Revision Surgery

The length of your recovery will depend on the specific procedure and technique that Dr. Kumar has used for your results. Recovery times can vary from person to person. If you have a “desk job” or one that doesn’t involve significant upper body physical activity, then most patients are back at this within 2 weeks of surgery. In general, however, Dr. Kumar suggests that you allow 4-6 weeks for initial recovery following your surgery. Scar maturation/fading often take longer.

Patients report minor postoperative pain, which can be treated with oral medication. You will be given prescriptions to relieve pain, and prophylactic antibiotics will be prescribed.

A drain may be placed in each breast to drain off excess blood and fluids for the first day or two. All sutures are self-dissolving.

Dr. Kumar will work with you to allow for adequate and proper healing time. It is important to speak with him before returning to daily activities such as driving, lifting, and exercising.

You will be given post-operative compression garments to wear after your surgery, and it is vital that you follow Dr. Kumar’s orders with respect to wearing these during your recovery period.

Good results depend on a collaborative approach between you and Dr. Kumar. You must be willing to follow the specific instructions given to you by Dr. Kumar and attend all postoperative appointments.

Maintaining your Breast Implant Removal or Revision results

Please keep in mind that your results from your surgery may be impacted by fluctuations in your weight, early excessive activity, skin health, or Body Mass Index (BMI). Pregnancy and breastfeeding may also impact on your surgical results following your Surgery.

No two patients are the same, and surgery results will vary from patient to patient. It is important to work together with Dr. Kumar to ensure you get the most out of your surgery and results.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Rohit Kumar is an Australian certified specialist plastic surgeon (MED0001630444). His particular area of interest is breast and body surgery. Often, patients who have achieved massive weight loss, have had one or multiple children (including twins), or have developmental or age-related physiological changes (e.g. large or ptotic breasts) may suffer from significant medical issues as a result. Some of these issues may benefit from plastic surgical procedures, and Dr. Kumar has over 15 years of experience as a specialist plastic surgeon to help guide you in choosing the right procedure for you.

Dr. Kumar, as a specialist plastic surgeon, has a particular area of interest in body contouring procedures that focus on areas such as the breasts, arms, back, abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and flanks—the areas that are most affected after losing a significant amount of weight.

During your consultation, Dr. Kumar will evaluate your needs and take the time to understand your main concerns before suggesting a surgical plan that suits you.

As a patient of Dr. Kumar, you can expect a personalised and positive experience. Working in harmony with you, Dr. Kumar and his team strive to deliver results that surpass your expectations and do so in a safe environment. Along with him, his professional and caring team is there to support you on your surgical journey, from your first call to well after you have recovered from your surgery.

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Common Questions about Breast Implant Removal or Revision Surgery

What Can I Expect During Surgery?

Will I Get Scars?

What Type Of Anaesthesia Will I Have?

Risks and Complications