What is an Abdominoplasty?
An abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), is an operation designed to reshape the entire abdomen. The modern abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) removes excess skin and fat and tightens any loose musculature to create a flat tummy and contoured waistline, with the scar kept low and hidden in the underwear line. Liposuction is often required to add the finishing touches to your contour.
Dr Kumar is a board certified specialist plastic surgeon with a special interest in abdominoplasty surgery. He uses the most modern techniques and combines them with his own artistic flair to deliver results that are in harmony with the rest of your body and overall aesthetic goals.
There are a number of different types of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgeries that can be performed in Sydney. This includes a mini-abdominoplasty, a full abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), an extended abdominoplasty, a Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty, and if there is significant skin excess both in the front and the back, the circumferential body lift.
An abdominoplasty procedure may help return a more feminine shape to your abdomen, help alleviate symptoms such as lower back pain and incontinence, as well as improve your core abdominal strength by addressing any issues with your rectus muscles (rectus diastasis). During pregnancy, these rectus abdominis muscles (6 pack) separate and stretch to allow the uterus and baby to grow. These muscles do not always return to their natural midline position after pregnancy. The waistline can then appear wider, and there can be an out-of-proportion bulging of the abdomen. An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) removes this loose skin and tightens these abdominal muscles, improving contour and bulge.
The Australian Federal Government has announced in its 2022 Budget that it will allow women who have had babies to have access to Medicare assistance for abdominoplasty again. This is provided that they can demonstrate ongoing muscle separation (diastasis) of 3cm or greater, causing pain and discomfort, as well as having issues such as lower back pain or incontinence. Over $6 million has been allocated to make this possible. Please talk to our team to see if you may be eligible for this assistance.
Am I a Suitable Candidate?
If you feel you meet one or more of the following then you may be an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) surgery:
- You have been left with excess, loose skin, or persistent bulges around your abdominal area following pregnancy or as a result of bodyweight fluctuations, which despite diet and exercise you haven’t been able to improve, and you are symptomatic in these regions (rash, sweating, etc.).
- You have excess or loose skin around your abdominal area as a result of ageing and changes to your skin’s elasticity, causing symptoms.
- You would like to repair and gain greater control of your abdominal muscle wall, which may have weakened or separated as a result of pregnancy.
- You suffer from thrush and/or sweating and/or rashes in the abdominal fold(s).
- You suffer from lower back pain and urinary incontinence after having children.
- You have lost significant weight, and there is now excess skin along your waistline that is present at the front, sides, and around your back, causing you issues such as sweating, rashes, or infections.
What are the Benefits of Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery
You may be a candidate for Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) surgery if you would like:
- Smoother skin around your abdominal region
- Firmer abdomen
- Contoured abdominal area helps define the underlying muscles.
- Greater Abdominal Muscle Control (Improved Core Strength)
- There may be improvement in lower back pain.
- There may be improvements in incontinence.
- More options for choosing clothing and finding clothing that is more in proportion to the rest of your body
Are you ready to book in with Dr Kumar?
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery Cost
After your initial consultation with Dr Kumar, you will be given a detailed itemised quote. This will include Dr Kumar’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee, and the hospital fees.
We will also provide information on our in-house Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) payment plan.
Is it covered by Medicare or private health insurance?
After Giving Birth
The Australian Federal Government has announced in its 2022 Budget that it will allow women who have had babies to have access to Medicare assistance again. Provided that they can demonstrate some form of ongoing muscle separation (diastasis) causing pain and discomfort. Over $6 million has been allocated to make this possible.
The patient has an abdominal wall defect that is a consequence of pregnancy and must:
a) Be at least 12 months post-partum;
b) Have a diastasis of at least 3 cm (measured by diagnostic imaging); and
c) Have documented symptoms of at least moderate severity of pain or discomfort at the site of the diastasis in the abdominal wall during functional use and/or low back pain or urinary symptoms likely due to rectus diastasis; and
d) Have failed to respond to non-surgical conservative treatment including physiotherapy
Weight loss patients
There is a Medicare item (#30177) for patients who have experienced significant weight loss and are suffering from excess skin and tissue that resulted from that weight loss.
For the Medicare item number to apply, you must demonstrate the following:
- That you have had significant weight loss defined as 5 BMI points or more (unrelated to pregnancy) without weight fluctuations for at least 6 months.
- The level of excess skin is interfering with daily living.
- The use of non-surgical treatment for skin irritation caused by excess skin has failed to work.
- If you have a hernia that can be documented on an ultrasound – it can also assist in seeking coverage.
All of the above should be discussed with your referring GP and documented in their referral to us. If you provide a referral, Medicare will provide you with a rebate of just over $84 from our initial consultation fee.
Recovery after an Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
You will initially be nursed in a flexed position on your bed, and you will slowly straighten up over the next few days prior to your discharge. There will be two drains in your abdomen, which are removed as soon as there is minimal drainage. On average, this is between seven to ten days after your operation.
You will wear a compression garment for a minimum of 6 weeks after your surgery to enhance your results.
While recovery time will vary from patient to patient based on the extent of surgery undertaken, you should plan for the following:
- At least 2 weeks off work
- No driving for at least 1 week
- No heavy lifting (more than 5 kgs) for 6 weeks
If you have young children, then Dr Kumar strongly advises that you have someone help with their care for at least the first 2-3 weeks post-operatively.
The abdomen feels “tight” for several weeks after surgery, as though you are wearing an internal corset. Numbness may be present around the incision and the belly itself, and in some cases, it may be permanent. The scar begins to fade after 3 months and may take 1 to 2 years to reach its final appearance. The majority of bruising and swelling will resolve within 6 weeks but can persist for several months.
Maintaining your Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) result
Once the excess skin is removed and aesthetically suitable contours created, it is important to try and maintain this result. Even though the skin that has been excised and the fat that has been liposuctioned are permanently removed, this doesn’t mean that the remaining skin can’t stretch again or the remaining fat cells can’t increase in size.
As a result, we advise that you continue with a good diet and exercise regimen following your surgery. Abdominoplasty surgery should not be seen as a weight loss solution, and a combination of healthy living via a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maintain your results.
Download our Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery Guide
This complete guide to Abdominoplasty Surgery covers everything you need to know about this procedure.
- Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) surgery explained
- How to assess if you are a good candidate
- How to plan for your Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) surgery
- Answers to some of our most frequently asked questions